VENUE: The home of Mr. Franklin Moore
ADDRESS: 1608 68th Lane North Brooklyn Center MN 55430 PRESIDING CHAIR: Stephen Wreh-Wilson, Chairman
Proposed Agenda
· Prayer
· Financial Committee Update
· Membership Update
· Planning Committee Update
· Miscellaneous · Announcement
· Closing Prayer
Prayer: Prayer was offered by Mr. Benjamin Harris
Agenda Approval:
· Members in attendance unanimously agreed on the proposed agenda.
Finance Committee Update
The Finance Committee update was provided by GMC Financial Secretary, Mr. Gabriel Boimah. According to Mr. Boimah, the organization earned total revenue of $6,408.98 and incurred total expenses of $3,525.50, with a net income of $2,883.48 of the last fiscal year, 2016. For more details and clarification, please refer to appendix “A” attached.
Mr. Tibli Dickson was concerned about two items on the financial update presented by the Committee; Gifts for $36.29 and Refund to Rocky Clarke for $309.33. The Financial Secretary explained that the item, Gifts represented purchases of cards for members who were bereaved, and a refund of 309.33 to Rocky was for the purchase of a printer and other stationery and supplies he bought out his pocket to print the constitution and GMC Database annual report. According to Mr. Boimah, the purchases were discussed and agreed upon by both parties; Finance Committee and Rocky.
Mr. Dickson then admonished the Committee, as well as the organization to do away with allowing members to make purchase out of pockets on behalf of the organization and later reimbursed them, for better accounting purpose. His suggestion was taken under advisement.
Another Important issue was raised by Mr. Emmanuel Sackey; Annual Budget. Mr. Sackey stated that it was important for the administration to come up with a budget each year based on our past and future activities to enable GMC measure its performance over a fiscal period. His suggestion was welcomed unanimously by members present.
In view of the two suggestions above, the Chairman, Mr. Wreh-Wilson promised to provide a Financial Policy that will guide the organization through its financial dealings, as well as a proposed annual budget during GMC’s next meeting.
NON-RELATED FINANCIAL ISSUES BUT IMPORTANT SUGGESTIONS It was suggested by Mr. Ciapha Diggs that the organization takes advantage of technologies like “Free Teleconference” and “GOTOMEETING” video conference for meetings, since it is difficult at times to get majority of the members to attend meetings based on their varying schedules. Mr. Diggs offered his GOTOMEETING account to the organization and also volunteered to work long with the Secretary General to set up the account.
On the issue of CYBER SECURITY, Mr. Tibli Dickson promised to design a set of procedures for the organization to follow as it relates to cyber security.
Membership Committee Update
Membership Committee update was provided by the Co chairman of the Committee, Mr. Timothy Sudue. According to Mr. Sudue, the organization’s membership last year was 49, but a new member was just approved on January 21st 2017, which brings the current membership to 50. He said that the membership Committee is working vigorously to reevaluate membership status and commitments, as well as make sure that every member pays their dues as we begin the New Year. The committee is also working on membership package which may include: copy of the constitution and membership policy, T-shirts, ID cards etc.
Mr. Sudue then thanked members who are and have been committed to the works of GMC and encouraged other members to get involved.
Mr. Patterson Nyenetue suggested that new members should pay the entire $150 dues at midyear since the organization was dormant during the beginning of the year. Majority of the members disagreed with this suggestion. Mr. Gabriel Boimah on the contrary, suggested that members pay $75 of their dues in the first half of the year, and $75. Both Suggestions were taken under advisement.
Technical Committee Update
The Chairman of the Technical Committee, Mr. Sakoboy Keemah praised and encouraged members to actively get involved with GMC and noted that even though GMC is not a soccer club, but soccer is the conduit through which we are united for our common purpose and should not be overlooked.
Mr. Keemah apologized for not been able to provide a plan to the body due to circumstances beyond his control, but took full responsibility for the committee’s shortfall. He promised, by next meeting, a plan will be put into place. He then donated 20 pairs of red soccer socks to the organization as a gesture of his commitment to the organization’s goals and objectives. He also promised to donate 5 soccer balls to the organization at a later date.
A sample of track suit was presented to the body by Mr. Keemah for purchase at the cost of $65.00, if it was agreed by the body. There was an opposing view to Mr. Keemah’s proposal by Mr. Emmanuel Sackey. Mr. Sackey suggested that the Organization Purchase a bulk quantity from Mr. Keemah at the price of $60 each and resell it to members at a cost of $80 apiece; a $20 revenue gain to the organization. The discussion was tabled for executive decision.
Planning Committee Update
The Chairman of the Planning Committee Mr. D Alphonso Bahn apologized for not being able to provide a complete update of what was started, but asked for a month to come up with the final plan of action. His request was granted.
NON-RELATED PLANNING UPDATE APPOINTMENTS To ensure smooth operations and efficiency, the Chairman, in consultation with the Executive made several appointments:
a. Timothy Lawa Sudue – Adviser
b. Benjamin Harris – Social Committee Chairman
c. Franklin Moore – Social Committee Co chairman
d. Timothy Boe – member, Membership Committee and
e. James Horace – member, Membership Committee
The Chairman of the Social Committee was asked to contact bereaved members to find out what their availabilities are and schedule visitations. Those to be contacted are:
a. Leslie Thomas
b. Duannah Siryon
c. Justin Yelegon
d. Gabriel Boimah and
e. John Ernie Horton
Closing Prayer: Benjamin Harris
ATTENDANCE 1. Stephen Wreh-Wilson
2. Jerome Wilcox Diabe
3. Gabriel Boimah
4. Ciapha Diggs
5. Emmett Cooper
6. Samuel Quaywu Tokpa
7. Timothy Boe
8. Timothy Lawa Sudue
9. Sakoboy Keemah
10. Tibli Dickson
11. Benjamin Harris
12. Franklin Moore
13. Jonathan Moore
14. Patterson Nyenetue
15. Duannah Siryon
16. Jimmy Earley
17. Emmanuel Sackey
18. Augustus Wrayee