DOB: July 25th
POB:Maryland County, Liberia
CEO: Youth Engaging Success Incorporated (YES)


An accomplished program director with extensive background in community development, human rights, and grassroots organizing; an experienced researcher and team leader with the ability to initiate and manage cross-cultural teams and multidisciplinary projects; and, a result-oriented administrator with proven ability to implement policies, increase institutional efficiency, and enhance productivity.
Executive Director
January 2014 – Present (2 years 11 months)7420 Unity Ave N, Suite 101, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443
Leading YES Inc's (formerly Pro USA) re-branding and development efforts with emphasis on strategic planning, project development, marketing, and fundraising.
Building and sustaining community, partnership, and foundations relationships
Enlisting educational institutions, area businesses, and the non-profit community in program implementation.
Recruiting staff and volunteers to shape short and long term goals, set the development agenda, and nurture opportunities for catalytic growth.
Directing a multi-year budget planning process that supports the strategic vision, including hiring, developing, and retaining a high performing team for exceptional program quality.
Consulting with the Board of Directors to formulate strategy and provide visionary leadership over all operational aspects of the organization.
Report timely and effectively to donors and major stakeholders
Housing and Financial Education Director
African Development Center
August 2005 – December 2013 (8 years 5 months)Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area
Directed a comprehensive housing education and counseling program that addresses community needs and challenges, increases understanding about homeownership, and promotes financial fitness leading to sustainable homeownership.
Educated 2400 households, 42% purchased homes, tripling the national average of 14%; counseled 1100 families, 56% attained better credit ratings and are bankable.
Facilitated partnerships between established housing developers and financial lenders and grassroots African service providers, and provided these new partnerships with proven, culturally focused technical assistance to increase home ownership within communities of color.
Wrote grant proposals and received consistent financial support from federal, state, foundations, individual and philanthropic sources since 2005, amounting to $2.2m for housing education and counseling, financial literacy, community outreach, capacity building, and technical assistance.
Coordinated the new College-Bound Entrepreneurship Program in Rochester, MN to enable junior and senior high students to pursue their education and enter into the workforce with a working knowledge of business and enterprise.
Trained low and moderate-income households, single headed households, immigrant communities, and communities of color to access information and resources about affordable housing, rental assistance, and community homebuyer programs.
Evaluated periodically all training and service strategies to better serve the clients, and also implements staff training/continuing education to increase performance, output and program impacts.
Trained local partners in the instructional and service delivery methods necessary for them to become the lead agency, with ADC in a consultative role, especially in Greater Minnesota
Was member of a three-person management team.
Received the “Excellence in Service” award from Minnesota Homeownership Center
Achieved certification as a HUD-certified housing counseling agency
Community Engagement Consultant
African Development Center
February 2005 – August 2005 (7 months)Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area
Created an agency-wide engagement program that included the development of a monthly newsletter and web-based updates, regular email blasts, and client recruitment and outreach.
Organized both the African community and the local finance community (banks, municipalities and nonprofit lenders, to continually dialogue and act on issues of community economic development in the realms of micro-businesses and homeownership.
Developed partnerships with local agencies already serving emerging markets and built their capacity to provide culturally sensitive homebuyer education, entrepreneurship training, and business financing.
Familiarized African communities with statewide down-payment and closing cost assistance that enable families attain affordable and sustainable homeownership.
Community Organizer (Apprentice)
Midtown Greenway Coalition
June 2004 – January 2005 (8 months)Minneapolis, MN
Assisted in working with local families to encourage use of the corridor for biking, walking, relaxation, and transportation letting them now that the corridor was for everybody.
Promoted the use of pedometer as a device to track distance and heart rates when biking and running
Helped contact public and private agencies to increase support for and use of the Greenway
Wrote articles about pedometer use and community organizing in the Midtown Greenway newsletter
Organized roundtable of African immigrant leaders to dialogue on common community issues such as immigration, education, health care, economic development, housing, and employment
Adjunct Instructor
Hennepin Technical College
June 2004 – December 2004 (7 months)Brooklyn Park, MN
Helped students’ to develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills by analyzing business problems, resulting in functional business documents: memoranda, letters, and reports.
Improved students’ discursive capacities through public speaking and collaborative initiatives
Enabled students to adapt interpersonal, listening, and speaking skills necessary in both independent and collaborative situations.
Organized internships for early exposure to job markets
Increased class participation through creative role-play exercises
Taught students basic job application, management, and career success skills
Workers Rights Center Director
African Assistance Program
February 2003 – April 2004 (1 year 3 months)Brooklyn Park, MN
Initiated intercultural dialogues to improve employer-employee relations in the Northwest Hennepin suburbs
Enlisted the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Minnesota Department of Human Rights (HDHR) to help redress and ensure compensation for workers' grievances.
Hosted a weekly worker rights and anti-racism Television talk show on Metro Cable Network and Cable 12 with speakers from broad sectors of the state.
Taught workers rights workshops to African immigrant workers in Hennepin, Anoka, and Ramsey Counties
Produced workers rights training tools in collaboration with Minnesota Human Rights Department and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Graduate Assistant
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
January 2000 – December 2001 (2 years)Edinboro, PA
Assisted with faculty research and course instructions for undergraduates
Mentored undergraduate students and helped them with job surveys
Co-advised "The Spectator" weekly undergraduate newspaper
Editor-In-Chief of Graduate level MACS Newsletter
Represented the MA in Communications Studies Graduate Program at consecutive "honor conferences" at Miami and Penn State Universities in 2001
National Director
Justice and Peace Commission
December 1998 – December 1999 (1 year 1 month)Monrovia, Liberia
Spokesperson for the Liberian Catholic Church on issues of human rights, social justice and peace
Established the first Para-Legal training program with oversight from the Carter Center of Emory University.
Created three regional offices to coordinate human rights fact finding and reporting activities
Reported timely and effectively to donors
Coordinated a weekly human rights and civic education radio forum, "The JPC Forum"
Made community organizing and fact-finding cardinal to human rights advocacy in Liberia.
Senior Research and Training Director
Justice and Peace Commission
October 1992 – December 1998 (6 years 3 months)Monrovia, Liberia
Taught human rights, democratic institution building, and community civic education seminars
Conducted nationwide human rights fact finding missions
Reported timely, effectively to Catholic Bishops Conference, donors, international partners, and the public
Researched human rights laws as basis for effective advocacy in Liberia
Maintained professional relationships with local and global human rights groups such as Amnesty
International, Lawyers Committee, Committee to Protect Journalists, Human Rights Watch.
Co-Authored the "Liberian Crisis" - A chronology on the Liberian Civil War.
Grassroots Community Development
Carter Center of Emory University
Starting December 1993
International Human Rights Theory
Center for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University
Starting June 1998
Commercial Real Estate Specialist
Center for Business Excellence, St Thomas University
Starting August 2006
Community Economic Development
Local Initiative Support Corporation & Metropolitan State University
Starting December 2006
Real Estate Salesperson
National Association of Realtors, License 20516630
Starting April 2005
Homebuyer Education Methods
NeighborWorks America Trainining Institute, License HO229
Starting August 2006
Strategic Thinking and Planning
NeighborWorks America Training Institute, License ML120
Starting May 2009
Lending Basics for Homeownership Counselors
NeighborWorks America Training Institute, License HO103
Starting April 2009
Community Organizing and Leadership
Organizing Apprenticeship Project
Starting December 2004
Advanced Family Immigration Law
Catholic Legal Immigration Network
Starting September 2003